La an Logha (August 15th)
For as long as locals can remember, Lá an Logha (which translates as ‘Day of Indulgence’) has been a highlight of the Summer in Belmullet.
It is traditionally the time that emigrants return home for their holidays and the streets in the days around the 15th were often loud with the hum of conversation of people re united.
A traditional fair day has been held in Belmullet on this day every year. This fair day involves stalls and markets all over the town and the streets are usually overflowing with people. It was always a holiday day with music in the pubs and food stalls doing a roaring trade.
Owing to Covid 19 the fair was not held in 2020 and wont be held again in 2021.
To honour the tradition we are opening this Monday August 16th from 9.30am to 3.30pm (the day the fair would have been held on....fairs are not held on a Sunday).
We look forward to 2022 and to once again seeing the Logha on the streets of Belmullet.
(Pic by Mary Keenaghan taken from