Suit Hire FAQ
I need a black suit to attend a funeral during the Covid 19 restrictions,
what can I do ?
We have black suits for hire in a wide range of sizes. Telephone 097 - 81051. We will discuss with you what you need and we will arrange to get the suit to you. After the funeral you can contact us again to return of the suit. We arrange cleaning of the suit. Hire of the suit is for the duration of the funeral and is not on a per day basis.
Do Mc Andrews hire suits for interviews, occasions and wedding guests ? (ie not the bridal party but guests attending weddings)
Yes we do. We hire three colours. Silver Grey, Navy and Dark grey. The Silver grey and navy are available in two or three piece as required. The dark grey is only available in two piece.
Do Mc Andrews hire shirts and ties for occasions ?
No. We sell a wide range of shirts and ties to match all suits.